Transformer earth fault and short-circuit monitoring

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10kV grid transformer earth fault and short-circuit monitoring. SMS Based

– Monitor Voltage and current

– Sends SMS, condition and location

– Incl. Earth fault monitoring

– SCADA solutions


SMS based error message for a numbers of mobile numbers is a simple and economical way to localize faulty transformers. A decentralised application. Built-in short circuit indicator, Earth fault indicator and voltage fault indicator. Messages are sent directly to the selected cell phone numbers. Option for more advanced connectivity to server and handling of messages to an existing SCADA system or other form of central monitoring. Each monitoring device can be assigned to the same identity as the transformer.

Current transformers using optical fibres, placed on 10kV connections for short circuit detection and de-tection of earth fault. Short circuit indicator can be set between 100A and 1000A and resets manually or automatically. Earth fault detection can be set to 10-20-30-40 or 50A. 24 hour battery backup.